Saturday, July 9, 2011

More Loving

Looking up at the stars, I know quite well
That earth will have an end and I must as well
But while I am here striving to survive
I must learn that there is more of me I must give from inside

What can I give that will please not only me
But something I should do unto the least of these
With love I share unto those I see
For I can't wait to be told you have done it unto Me

Looking up once again I not only see the stars,
But I see a friend that's close and never far
One who loved me and has given me light
Even in the dark as the stars stream through the night.

So as I continue from day to night
I shall learn to seek to love thee with all my might
For the greatest commandment was given to me
That I must love one another as though lovest me.

This is a poem that I wrote for Girls Camp. We were focusing that day on being more loving. I was in charge of giving the thought that goes along with the theme for the day and so I wrote this and shared it with the young women. Hope you enjoyed.

1 comment:

Monty and Kristin said...

You wrote that seriously! Cindy that is amazing. I am so impressed. I bet the girls loved it. :) Good job! So true!