For those who have been wondering how Emjae is reacting to Julie, here is a little clip.
Emjae has been doing good so far. She likes to look at Julie as well as she tries to help as much as she can. She tries to pick Julie up and hold her when she is laying down, she tries to give a pacifier to her when she is sleeping, and as you just saw she tries to help burp Julie. When Julie is sleeping and starts to cry Emjae has to go check on her and make sure that everything is okay. Today at lunch Emjae was sitting in her high chair, which by the way she can climb into all by herself, and Julie started crying. My mom went to go grab Julie and Emjae wanted to hold her to try and help calm her down.
We haven't noticed any bad reactions yet. Emjae at times can seem to be a little more fussy, but I just think its the fact that she is tired because thats when she acts up. Emjae does however try to sit in Julie's little reclined chair that vibrates and bounces. We keep having to remind her that the chair is baby julies and that big girl Emjaes chair is up against the wall.
Over all things are still going good. We will just have to wait and see if that stays the same once my mom leaves. :/ But I will still be with her until the 16th of August. I am so grateful for all the help we have gotten.
Please don't forget that we are doing the blessing for Julie on the 16th of August in Las Vegas. Church is at 11, so we hope that as many family members can be there.
oh P.S. I think that Trey may have told Emjae about the whole belly button rub. Emjae loves playing with her belly button and sometimes will get upset if she has a onsie on cuz she can't get to it.