So I was at our extended Family Home Evening on Sunday night and one of my page stalkers commented on how I haven't updated in a long time. I informed her that my page no longer showed Christmas and Santa on his sleigh flying across my page :)
There are so many things that I want to be better on and about and I want to try and do all of them at once because I want to be able to do all of those things regularly and have it be a habit instead of a work in progress.
I have started to lose weight, which is funny that it took me so long to finally get my act together. So far I have lost 15 lbs. I am still working on it and some days are better than others. I am at a plateau right now and am going to have to start exercising again to help give the weight a kick goodbye. (One of the other things I was trying to work on)
The pass few weeks have been personally off weeks, meaning just I am off. I have no desire to get dressed besides my lounge pants and a old t shirt. I have no wear to go, nothing to do outside of my home and no one that comes over to visit. So I justify it by saying that no one is going to see me anyways so why even put forth the effort.Maybe I need to put a huge quote on my mirror that says JUST DO IT!!!!
Since Christmas our house has seen many a traveler. It seems almost every weekend we have had some one here. Mainly the month of February. There was one weekend that month were we did not have any guest. I was so done with entertaining, cooking, and cleaning. I wonder sometimes if people have just gotten more lazy as they get older or they just were always that way. Not all my guest were this way, but I did have a few. I don't mind sharing our home and helping people save money on a hotel room, but this isn't a hotel and you just can't leave your stuff lying around what ever room you want because I have to very curious little girls that count for 4 busy little hands. I am excited however for some guest that will be here in a couple of weeks!!
The girls are doing good. After a doctor bill over $500 for Julie popping out her elbow and popping it back in while we waited for x ray results, Emjae running a temp over 102 for over 24 hrs with no help of medicine and one fun filled week of fevers, coughs, ear infections, and runny noses they better darn right be doing good now!!! We still have runny noses, but I can handle that, I could handle it better if they both knew how to blow out their noses though :)
So there you go stalkers! Hope you enjoy knowing how we are doing :)
P.S. I needed someone to tell me that I needed to update
LOL... am I a stalker??? :) Its cool sis, you don't have to dress up if you don't feel like it. You look good already. Hope the girls are better this week. I had an ear infection around Thanksgiving and it was not the business.
hey! Way to go on losing weight! I, too, am trying to lose. I'm up to 13lbs. Anyway, glad to know that you guys are doing good. We miss you! Not sure when we are going to california again. Money is so tight.
But when we drive through, we'll be sure to stop by to say hello!
stalker satisfied.... :) (this is Laura)
I am so happy you lost 15lbs! You've been working hard! That is no easy accomplishment! Oh, and if cozy pants weren't so cozy we wouldn't HATE getting out of them! That's my opinion anyway. Look forward to your next post...SOON!
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